Laser Engraver Camera Compatibility
Update Date: 2024-2-23
The Mintion Lasercam camera is specially designed as a standalone product with multiple functions for laser engraver/cutter and is compatible with major popular brands of diode laser engraver, hence, we are still improving our Lasercam camera in more compatible with more engraver/cutter. Please note that, at this particular moment, we will release the new firmware and BeagleEngrave App regularly. Please refer to the firmware download page for updates.

Lasercam Version: Lasercam_1.2.7
Released Date: 2024-2-23

BeagleEngrave Version: V1.0.5
Released Date: 2023-12-4
Laser Engraver/Cutter Compatible List
Lasercam camera is designed as an easy-to-use product to remote access your laser engraver/laser cutter, come with fire detection and generate a time-lapse video, now the camera is compatible with the following engravers to plug and play. (With * are the new engravers in compatible list with the latest camera firmware.)
- A5 M30
- A5 M40
- A5 M50
- A5 M50 Pro
- A5 Pro
- A5 Pro+
- A10 Pro
- A20 Pro
- A30 Pro
- A40 Pro*
- P9 M40
- P9 M50
- P7 M30
- P7 M40
- P9 M50*
- S10 Pro
- S20 Pro*
- S30 Pro*
- S40 Pro*
- X7
- X7 Pro
- X20 Pro
- X30 Pro
- X40 Pro*
- AL1
- AL2
- Falcon
- Falcon2
- Z1
- Phecda*
- K1 Pro
- K1 Pro Max
- K1 Ultra
- RAY5
- B1*
- LM2
- LM2 S2
- LM2 Pro S2
- LM3
- LM3 LE
- TS2
- TS3
- D1
- D1 Pro
- S6
- S6 Pro
- S9
- S10
- S30
- S30 Pro
- S30 Pro Max
- S30 Ultra
Compatible Software List
On Testing Software List
The Lasercam complies with RGBL protocol and works flawlessly with the gcode files exported from the below software:
The software we are trying to working for and testing:
- LightBurn
- LaserGRBL
- xTool Creative Space
The Lasercam is embedded with a Linux system and comes with a Soc chipset to handle the videos and data stream. We are still making improvements on our camera, and it's easy to upgrade the firmware of the camera online and the BeagleEngrave App. Therefore, we are sincerely inviting some laser engraving / laser cutting to join us in testing the compatibility and witness the growth of BeagleEngrave. If you're interested, please feel free to fulfill the form or send us by email at We will select some people to join and as an exchange, we will provide the camera for free to you.