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How to figure out the IP address of Beagle Camera?

How to figure out the IP address of Beagle Camera?

Login in PC Browser

Make sure the internet are the same with the camera, only supoort in LAN

Find the IP address from the Beagleprin APP

After the Beagle camera is successfully connected with your mobile phone in the Beagleprint, you will find the camera IP address in the camera setting page. 

Please follow the steps to access:


Input the IP address to your computer

With this information, you can input the IP address in browser to login the camera. 

The default account and password is "admin", then you will get the interface as belows:


In Conclusion

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  • Come si imposta un indirizzo IP statico ?

    How to set a static IP address ?

    Cómo configurar una dirección IP estática ?

    = Grazie – Thank you – Gracias =

    - Luca
  • è possibile gentilmente spiegarci come impostare indirizzo ip statico? tutte volte devo usare app per rilevare ip troppo noioso, preferivo usare pc con browser salvando nei preferiti indirizzo statico di beagle camera per semplificare e rapido accesso. grazie

    Can you kindly explain to us how to set a static IP address? every time I have to use an app to detect IP which is too boring, I preferred to use a PC with a browser saving the static address of Beagle Camera in my favorites for quick and easy access. Thank you

    - diego
  • Salve, è possibile impostare un IP FISSO nella beagle camera? Grazie

    - Mirko

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